Increase your potential to pass the exam from the first attempt! To pass the PMI-RMP exam you need to practice a lot of exam sample questions and mock tests. This question bank gives you an understanding of core concepts and gives you an idea of the test environment. It provides you with exam simulations the same as the real exam in time and questions’ type.


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Why Bakkah?

Money Guaranteed
Global Accreditation
Flexibility Learning
  • Identify Gaps and weaknesses.
  • Glimpse of Exam - the question bank will help you find your weak spots and help you fill them.
  • Boost Confidence - With all knowledge gap filled, you will be more confident & you’ll be familiar of the question you will see in the real exam.
  • Clarify Concepts - Solving these questions will help you understand the concepts easily.
  • Test Your Readiness - Attempting these questions will let you know if you are ready for the exam
  • Executive Managers
  • Program Managers, Project Managers, Chief Project Officers
  • Project Management Officers, Project Planners, Project Coordinators, Risk officers and;
  • others who are directly or indirectly involved in Project Risk Management.
  • A self-practice product that helps you to be ready for the real exam.
  • PMI-RMP Exam Simulators consists of 8 exam simulators of 150 questions and 3.5 hours long for each.
  • The number of questions, timing and score are the same as the real exam.
  • PMI-RMP Exam Simulators Includes Exam Outline
  • Resources and Tips to prepare for the exam

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