How To Create And Develop Company's Vision And Mission? - With Examples

Written By : Bakkah

23 Jun 2024

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What are vision and mission?

Vision and mission are things that every organization should have. The concept of vision and mission describes and defines the main work scope of the organization. The vision statement and mission statement are often confused, and many companies use the terms interchangeably.

However, each vision and mission has different purposes. In this article, we will talk about vision and mission: their definition, characteristics, examples, and steps to develop them.

What is a vision statement?

A vision statement is a picture of the organization's future according to the goals set by its founder. A vision statement answers the question: of what your organization is trying to accomplish and reach or look like in the future. For example, in 5 to 10 years from now.

in other words, we can say a vision statement is the organization's dream. It describes the organization's future goals that it wants to achieve.

It is a clear answer to the questions “What do you want to achieve?” and “Where do you want to be?”.

What are the Characteristics of the vision statement?

The Characteristics of the vision statement of companies cover the following:

  1. Clear, concise, and not longer than a short paragraph.
  2. Inspiring and motivating.
  3. Realistic and applicable.
  4. Easy to communicate.

Vision statement examples:

Here are the top companies vision statement examples:

  • Heinz's vision statement example: Hienz's vision statement is to be the world’s premier food company, offering nutritious, superior-tasting foods to people everywhere.
  • Amazon's vision statement example: Amazon's vision statement is to be earth’s most customer-centric company; to build a place where people can come to find and discover anything they might want to buy online.
  • Bakkah's vision statement example: Bakkah's vision statement is to be the company of choice for providing management consulting and professional learning services.

What are the benefits of developing a vision statement?

The benefits of creating a vision statement are:

  • A vision statement helps organizations to focus on what is important away from distractions.
  • A vision statement gives people an insight into your organization’s interests.
  • Vision statements Inspire employees to achieve their dreams by working hard.

What is a mission statement?

A mission statement is the organization's purpose of existence or why your organization was founded. A mission statement describes what you should do to achieve the organization's vision.

In other words, a mission statement is an explanation of who you are and why you exist. It is a clear answer to the questions “What does the organization do?” and “How does the organization differ from others?”

What are the Characteristics of the mission statement?

The Characteristics of the mission statement:

  1. Consistent, clear, and powerful.
  2. Memorable and easy to understand.
  3. Inclusive and actionable.
  4. guide for day-to-day operations.

Mission statement examples:

Here are the top mission statement examples:

  • International Red Cross's mission statement example: IRC's mission is to provide relief to victims of disaster and help people prevent, prepare for, and respond to emergencies.
  • Google's mission statement example: Google's Mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.
  • Bakkah's mission statement example: Bakkah's Mission is to Guide our customers to unleash their potential by providing state-of-the-art consultation and learning services.

What are the benefits of creating a mission statement?

There are many benefits of creating a mission statement, such as:

  • Inspire People to be Focused and Productive.
  • Form a connection with customers.
  • Differentiate yourself from other competitors.

How to create a vision and mission?

If you want to create a vision and mission for your company or organization, follow the following instructions:

1. Identify your competitive advantage

The competitive advantage or the unique selling proposition is what distinguishes you from other competitors in the field. In this step, you may need the help of your employees. You can also use analytics tools such as USP Analysis, SWOT Analysis, and Core Competence Analysis.

2. Identify your goals

In this step, you are not only identifying the goals, but you are also working on putting action steps that will help you achieve the identified goals. Remember that your goals must second and nurture your competitive advantage. Set clear goals that can be measured; you can use the tool SMART to identify the goals.

3- Define the organization's values

Define what are the values that you will adopt to achieve your goals. Think about the values that your organization has or wants to have; this will help you define or develop great ones. It can consist of only one word such as “integrity, innovation, quality, teamwork, etc.” or a phrase such as “access to education for all”. Your team members can be a vital tool that may help you in defining your values.

4. Build your mission and vision statement

Combine the three steps mentioned above and start creating your mission and vision statement relying on them. While creating, remember that the statement must be short, concise, inspiring, motivational, broad, timeless and easy to remember. The statements should clearly communicate the direction and values of an organization.

How to evaluate the company's mission and vision?

Ask employees to join you in a brainstorming session, since 2 heads are better than one. Discuss the suggested vision statements based on the following questions:

  • Will it draw people to common work?
  • Does it give hope for a better future?
  • Will it inspire community members to realize their dreams through positive, effective action?
  • Does it provide a basis for developing the other aspects of your action-planning process?

Perform the same session for the mission statement and discuss the outcome based on the following questions:

  • Does it describe what your organization will do and why it will do it?
  • Is it concise and clear?
  • Is it inclusive of the goals?
  • Is it actionable for people who may be involved in the organization?

Now your unique Vision and Mission are ready to be published and spread out!

Bakkah for Consulting can help you develop your strategy, vision, and mission. Book your consulting session here.

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