Artificial Intelligence In HR - Impact on Human Resources

Written By : Bakkah

26 Jun 2024

The first thing that may come to one’s mind when hearing the term artificial intelligence is robots. However, artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence in machines programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions, and its applications are endless.

Artificial Intelligence In HR:

Artificial intelligence in HR is characterized by the ability to rationalize and take actions in order to achieve a specific goal. It can be applied to many different sectors and already seeped into both our personal and professional lives.

For example, you may be one of the 1.8 million people who use Amazon's Alexa to play music, control the lights, or even chat! In the workplace, on the other hand, artificial intelligence is important to enhance employees’ effectiveness by automating simple and repetitive tasks and freeing them up to do more complex operations. 

Man-made reasoning is mainly embodied in chatbots and pre-installed algorithms. It has enabled companies to provide an enhanced experience for their candidates and employees since it can recruit employees, answer HR questions, make decisions in real time, and personalize learning experiences.

1. Artificial Intelligence In HR Talent Acquisition:

Talent acquisition is the most prominent use of Artificial intelligence in HR. Intelligent assistants can tap multiple data sources to reduce manpower spent on mundane tasks. For instance, Talla is a chatbot designed to ultimately become a real-time advisor to HR professionals in how they source and onboard new hires. It can screen candidates and match their profiles against the position requirements, communicate with potential candidates to schedule interviews and develop a set of interview questions.

Besides, chatbots are advantageous for job seekers. Communication with chatbots is impartial and equal for everyone, for chatbots will never form a subjective opinion about a potential employee in comparison to HR.

2. Artificial Intelligence In HR Answering FAQs

With people becoming more and more inclined to instant answers to their inquiries, chatbots offer a 24x7 service of immediate response to consumers and employees. Artificial intelligence is especially important for HR specialists because it saves time introducing the new employees to the company information, from job profiles to team members, company policies, task assignments, and other information.

Jane, a chatbot created by Loka in 2014, is capable of answering any question stored in a database. Such questions are usually direct such as “How to use a VPN?” and simple like “What is the Wi-fi password?”. Besides, Jane is designed to proactively facilitate benefits to employees they may not yet know about. For example, it can reach out to them with, “Have you read about our MSP Course yet? Click here to automatically book yourself. Don’t miss the chance!”

Another value of chatbots is the opportunity to use real-time analytics to track employee problems so that HR leaders can address the issue before things are blown.

3. Artificial Intelligence In Cognitive-Supporting HR 

Smart Assistants are crucial to remote workers, who make up 2.8% of the workforce, as they do not have easy access to an HR department. Chatbots deliver an unmatched level of employee experience, from real-time answers to HR questions to personalized learning and development.

Moreover, the mental and emotional well-being of employees is the responsibility of the Human Resources department. AI-enabled systems will take over the task of observing employees’ moods and maintaining their satisfaction. For instance, AI can detect anxiety in a person’s behavior and tone of voice, therefore, it helps the employers consider the matter and resolve it before it is harmful to the employees and the company.

4. Artificial Intelligence In the HR Learning and Training Department 

The most recent utilization of intelligent assistants is currently being piloted by professors who teach online courses known as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). With the increase in the number of students enrolling in MOOCs, there is more work for university professors and their instructing colleagues.

Jill Watson, powered by IBM Watson Analytics, was one of the nine teaching assistants in an online course entitled Knowledge-Based Artificial Intelligence by Professor Ashok Goel. He indicates that 300 or more students attended this course and estimated that roughly 10,000 questions were asked in the online forums.

AI will make it simpler to scale learning encounters that are customized and adaptive to the student. Jill Watson, for example, was mainly designed to provide faster answers and feedback and was able to answer 40% of all the students’ questions, which freed human teaching assistants to deal with more complex technical or philosophical inquiries. 

This will impact all aspects of HR, as HR members will need to gain more information about the role of chatbots and explore their efficiency to streamline the employee experience.

With proper algorithms, AI-enabled systems can automate repetitive, administrative HR tasks from employee management, analysis of company policies and practices, and even litigation strategies. Therefore, in a decade, people will consider it unbelievable to run a company, look for a new job, or even live their lives without employing artificial intelligence, namely, smart assistants.

HR Certification And Training Course

Here are the best HR Courses that you can use in your career to keep up:

